A woman with long brown hair in a black top is gazing to the right, embodying kindness. An orange geometric design reminiscent of Feng Shui principles graces the foreground.

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WHEN it comes to improving your home and living, it can be said that Feng Shui is one of the more misunderstood approaches out there. A practice over thousands of years old, Feng Shui harmonizes you with your surrounding energy. How, you might ask? By analyzing how the external environment interacts with your home. Let me, Master Judith Eugenio, an internationally certified Feng Shui expert, guide you through the basics.

I have traveled the world, and found direct tutelage under Master Kevin Foong Academy in Singapore where I am Senior Instructor Representative for the Philippines. I boast a decade’s worth of practice under my belt, and offer my expertise through Judith Eugenio Global Bazi & Feng Shui Consultancy. Alongside my goal to improve lives through Feng Shui, I aim to banish the misconceptions surrounding it as a superstitious and spiritual discipline—rather, it is a technique to make use of the energy around you to achieve outcomes that you desire.

A different approach

Masters may use different systems in their practice of Feng Shui. Most experts use the Flying Star system, but I apply the Emperor Landform and San He Feng Shui systems. These systems provide a 70 percent external and 30 percent internal ratio of studying homes. These systems provide a complete reading of your living situation, applying a total Feng Shui reading on every home and office.

Lay of the land

I always firstly take a look at where the building is located. Are there mountains and rivers nearby? What’s the quality of the land and water there? What lies between the areas and your home? These are essential questions to ask to find out the quality and quantity of energy or Qi that enters your home—and my systems solve them all.

My systems are the strongest approaches out there. So rest assured that, with their help, you can be in the right direction to be able to invite the best Qi and discover the right changes to improve your lifestyle.

Inner workings

I also use my systems to re-organize and balance Qi inside the home. It looks at three key factors: The main door, the stove and the bedroom. Put these in the right places and your home will surely be able to tap into the Qi outside. Of the three, the proper positioning of the main door is the most crucial. Qi can only enter the home through the main door.

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