Bazi Destiny Reading: September 2020

A screenshot of instructions to find a "Day Master" using an online tool, with a sample chart showing elements and Chinese characters for a specific date.

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BAZI is a destiny reading discipline utilizing your birth date and birth time. Decoding one’s Bazi can lead to clarity in decision making, understanding yourself better and having a clearer picture of what lies ahead.

To know your “Day Master,” see instructions in photo.

Yang Wood Day Master

How big is your social media following? Expand your network to include online communities and you’ll soon recover your base, with the potential for higher earnings as these virtual means cast your net farther than ever before.

Yin Wood Day Master

You can find great comfort in chatting with loved ones and familiar faces, just as they will with you. They just might offer the motivation and inspiration you need for a breakthrough in your business, or present opportunities to support you.

Yang Fire Day Master

Resist the stagnancy of the pandemic and instead use this time to cultivate yourself. Make September a month of learning and pursue a higher degree, certification or qualification, especially with your learning capabilities at their peak this month.

Yin Fire Day Master

Whether its art, literature, crafts or something else unrelated to what you usually do, now is the time to pursue it as September encourages your studies. Your brand new learning may open doors once unavailable to you.

Yang Earth Day Master

September urges you to take up the mantle of leadership. While we’ve all been understandably weakened by these past grim months, you’ve also shown the strength needed for this important role. To be the rock that many depend upon is no easy task, but it’s also one with great rewards, not the least being opportunities for renewed business and earnings.

Yin Earth Day Master

Be proactive in maintaining your physical and mental wellness. Always sanitize and wear your face mask; avoid driving and leaving the house at all if possible; and manage stress with relaxing hobbies. Step back from big decisions, too, as the wrong move may cause significant losses that’ll be tough to recover.

Yang Metal Day Master

The pandemic poses a significant turning point in our age that has shaken many. Mourn your losses, but don’t let it hinder you from moving forward—flow with change. Strategize on how to adapt your business or career to the new normal.

Yin Metal Day Master

September may soon bring you added income to pad your wallet, coming from a surprise bonus or surge in earnings from your business or workplace, or greater returns from an investment or commission. Though, spend wisely and save what you can to cushion any emergency expenses in the months to come.

Yang Water Day Master

As the pandemic persists — so does hope. September now fuels the determined flame you’ve nourished through these dark times as it boosts your entrepreneurial capabilities. It’s the ideal period to put your plans into motion, and with hard work and dedication you’ll soon see your efforts bear bountiful fruit.

Yin Water Day Master

A new business landscape is evolving around the pandemic, making it an ideal time for you to leave your mark — and September bolsters you with a surge of creativity to create a strong, lasting impression. Adapt and innovate for online platforms.

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