December 2020 Feng Shui Foreceast

Floor plan diagram showing the main door sector location in Feng Shui, with orientation instructions. Diagram highlights the main door in the northeast sector facing east.

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THE December 2020 period is from Dec. 7 to Jan. 5, 2021. The purpose of this feng shui forecast is to provide clarity. When the energy is positive, maximize to your advantage, and when the energy is negative you manage what you can with it. The point of reference is your Main Door Sector. Stand at the center of your home and with a compass, identify where your main door is located (not facing).

East Main Door Sector

Avoid any home renovation or building activities like digging, drilling or hammering so as not to activate the negative energies that could bring forth money and relationship issues. Keep yourself balanced and grounded in this month.

Southeast Main Door Sector

You will have lots of remarkable surprises awaiting you, perhaps a promotion, an unexpected year-end bonus, or a sudden, positive turnaround from one of your investments. Your commandeering yet calm presence will lead others to look up to you for solutions, so always bear in mind that your motivation to help should be leading you more than just merely making an extra buck.

South Main Door Sector

More illness might descend upon your home. But with the right precautionary measures, you can avoid it altogether and stay healthy for you and your family. Cease any plans for home renovation activities like excavations, repurposing and other unnecessary movement at this time.

Southwest Main Door Sector

Expand your knowledge by looking into higher education enrollment. For those looking to broaden their perspectives, sign up for online classes for courses that interest you. Love is also in the air for this month and if a romantic pursuit is what you’re after, go make yourself visible.

West Main Door Sector

Monetary gain and new exciting business opportunities could pop up for you this December. Once the blessings come pouring in, make sure to stash a huge chunk of it for the future. And while you’re at it, start making plans for the next few months already.

Northwest Main Door Sector

Abundant energies will fill your home, which will be a well-deserved respite after all the hardship the last several months have brought upon you. With your increasing money luck, take good care not to overspend and overindulge, especially in this season.

North Main Door Sector

The conflicting energies of this month might lead you to become confrontational with families and friends, especially during the holiday gatherings. Take heed not to let your temper flare, but rather always opt for understanding.

Northeast Main Door Sector

The victorious energies will govern your homes and your families. There will be rewarding opportunities to earn new streams of income, or well-deserved good news of promotion at work. Your hard work and commitment to strive will be finally recognized and will earn you a multitude of financial blessings.

Center Sector

While merriment and celebrating will be on your mind for this last month of the year, it’s best to steer clear of excessive movement for now. Keep your homes protected by adding extra layers of security measures, like secondary bolts and locks. Cancel any drilling, hammering, digging, and any other home renovation plans.

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