Do Not Rely On Hard Work

A woman with long brown hair in a black top is gazing to the right, embodying kindness. An orange geometric design reminiscent of Feng Shui principles graces the foreground.

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YOU hear me talk about human luck, but what does it really mean? Take action! “Man luck,” to put it simply, is your hard work, the actions that you take—or not take. It is the things that you do for yourself or others whether good—or not so great.

What are some of the things to improve your “Man luck?”

Believe in yourself. Invest in your knowledge, go and learn something new or valuable. Read interesting books, listen to thought-provoking podcasts, and watch educational videos.

Manage your stress. Start your day with a positive attitude; focus on progress, not perfection. Have a healthy routine; write down your goals and execute them. Get active; stretch and go out for a walk after a long day’s work. Drink more water and get enough hours of sleep. Celebrate healthy food.

Disconnect. Go offline to connect with other people. Encourage others and lead by example. Connect with your environment. Go minimal; tidy your space, de-clutter, and recycle.

Last, Man luck is about kindness. Be kind to yourself, to your family, friends, a co-worker, a stranger. Be kind to animals and be kind to the environment. Man luck is equally as important as heaven luck and earth luck but true change starts with you.

To maximize our life opportunities, it is not enough to know your destiny. It is not enough to have good Feng Shui energy or just do all the hard work. But to properly succeed, we need to use all three factors combined: Know your destiny path, stay in an environment with good Feng Shui energy flow, and take the right course of action.

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