There are three important things to consider when it comes to matters of construction or renovation — the best date, time and location. What’s so important about these? We always start off with good energy on our side. Through banging on the correct positive sector, not only do we activate wealth, we also actively love and have strong family relationships, academic luck and good health. Are these the things that are important to you?
Banging, drilling and other similar activities are some examples of activating good energies and it can also activate bad energies if you are not careful. Don’t start construction at any day or time because you might trigger accidents, illnesses in the family, loss of wealth, broken relationships or even death.
I know this is something you need to know. You have the power to be in control. There is such a system out there that can decode and generate positive outcomes for you.
Take care of yourself and make good choices. Always start with clarity.