In today’s world, information is at its most accessible and available. We live in an age where any and every type of information is acquireable with a few clicks.
With a generation that is ruled and powered by the Internet, accounts, news and facts that may not entirely be true may surface. As we all know, the existence of fake news has been prevalent and is something we are constantly reminded of, however, a more subtle and insidious issue has emerged, yet, not many are aware of its existence—the omission of facts.
As we know as one of the reasons for our success and failure, Heaven Luck is something innate and natural to us. We are bound to meet some people who are more passionate and lively with their beliefs and others to be very tame and lax.
Despite being passionate being a wonderful thing, the tendency is that passion may blind due to one’ emotion. Cases of latching and attaching to information that aligns with the disposition of one person can cause narrow mindedness, and even worse, the narrow mindedness of others. The Man Luck of a passionate person may come off as explosive and extreme.
Passionate people will advocate their belief to a certain degree that it could reject and ignore any information that could challenge their belief. Omitting and ignoring any other piece of information that would lead to a healthy discussion of beliefs is what blunts us as thinkers and individuals. One would naturally start to believe any piece of information that advocates and only takes accounts of the positives. This would create a “sheep-like” mentality that only follows with little critical thinking. Those with beliefs with a “sheep-like” mentality are akin to a house with weak foundations.
Their beliefs are easily tested and refuted due to them only knowing positives and no negatives. This, I believe, is an issue that has been plaguing young and gullible minds to have beliefs that they themselves are not sure of.
As it can be seen in one’s Heaven Luck, some people are bound to be more leader-like, and some, follower-like. Despite that, we are all meant to be thinkers and our own people. As people who aim to traverse through the path with the least resistance, We should use our Man Luck to raise and educate each other in a respectful way.
We must work together to get through any tough times that will and may come. As said in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”