July 2020 Flying Star Feng Shui Forecast

Floor plan diagram showing the main door sector location in Feng Shui, with orientation instructions. Diagram highlights the main door in the northeast sector facing east.

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FENG shui is only one-third of the luck from the environment that influences events and the luck in our daily lives. In the usage of classical Feng shui techniques, we can align our property toward the positive energy from the external environment and harness the surrounding good energy to flow inside where we live or work through our houses’ main door in order to increase investment success, promote the chances of business or career opportunities, improve relationships with people, and to improve the health of a building’s inhabitants.

The July 2020 period is from July 7 to Aug. 7. The purpose of this Feng Shui forecast is to provide clarity. The point of reference is your Main Door Sector (See illustration on how to get your main door sector).


You are in luck if your main door is in this sector. You will be given many opportunities to be recognized by important people, especially from within your business networks. And because of this, your chances for a promotion and to have a better career opportunity are likelier.


The illness star is very prevalent in your home if your main door is located in the Southeast sector, so take precaution when going out—wear a face mask and practice social distancing. Plan your movements carefully and avoid any noise-generating activities such as renovation work in this sector so as to not activate the negative star present here.


Your home is prone to heavy, physical losses if your main door is located here. Prioritize and take home security seriously; and when you step out, avoid places that attract thieves. Precaution should be practiced everywhere you plan to go. Avoid any renovation work to not activate the negative effects caused by this sector.


The energy in this sector is good for commercial prospects. Grab the coming lucrative business opportunities. Good tidings will come to you, but make sure to save up your extra earnings and that you do not go out too much, especially for unnecessary trips. You will thank yourself for saving money as you go about the historical year of 2020.


Tread carefully because you are prone to illness, money loss, and other disasters which are very likely this month if your main door is located here. Try not to activate this sector’s negative effects with any kind of home renovation work or loud noise-generating activities.


Main doors in this sector will help those engaged in business have good luck in their negotiations. Students and teachers looking for advanced learning will also be more successful in their pursuits. Additionally, anyone seeking romance this month will also experience good outcomes.


There will be magnanimous money luck for you, so take this signal to put your ideas and plans to the forefront in your business endeavors. Believe in yourself and let those dream projects finally be realized. Reach out to influential persons who can guide you to make informed decisions. Try not to overspend and save up your extra earnings.


This month is good particularly if you have been thinking about accepting a job offer, a new business venture or investing in the stock market. People in your circle will look up to you for wisdom during these challenging times.

Center (Sector)

The argumentative energies here can add stress to you and your family, so do what you can to stay level-headed and contemplative. When you find yourself in an argument, think before you speak as you could regret your words later on. Try not to activate this sector’s negative energies with drilling, digging, or any other home renovation work.

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