March 2021 Bazi Destiny Reading

A screenshot of instructions to find a "Day Master" using an online tool, with a sample chart showing elements and Chinese characters for a specific date.

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Bazi is a destiny reading discipline utilizing your birth date and birth time. Decoding one’s Bazi can lead to clarity in decision making. Understanding yourself better, and having a clearer picture of what lies ahead.

To know your “Day Master,” follow these following steps:

  • Visit
  • Input gender
  • Input birth details
  • Plot chart
  • Locate “Day Master”
  • Yang Wood Day Master

Yin Wood Day Master

Opportunities will arise wherein you might be tasked to lead projects or assemble a small group of people to obtain a certain objective. Also take heed to be mindful of your surroundings as you go about your ways as accidents and health issues could arise. For single women, March will bring lovely surprises in the love department so keep your eyes peeled for any opportunities to meet new people.

Yang Fire Day Master

Anticipate a promotion at work or a surge of new customers in your business. You truly deserve any of these, but make sure to not spend it all on disposable items that are unnecessary. And more importantly, always save the bulk of your extra funds right away. If you’re a single man who’s ready to be in a relationship, go out and connect with friends, old and new, as the right one just might be in the corner.

Yin Fire Day Master

Unexpected financial streams will pour out into your life this month. Don’t be completely surprised though for these are the results of some risks you took in the past, like stocks or bonds and other funds you invested on, that are now maturing for you to reap. Or it could be from small businesses you capitalized on that have now made money or just simply an inheritance from a family estate you have forgotten.

Yang Earth Day Master

March will see you through a time of performing with your very best efforts when it comes to projects and grander tasks. You’ll be able to earn extra, too, with these additional activities, but be forewarned that this is also going to be a month that might be testy for you. It’s tempting to argue and prove your point when other people try to give out their opinions even though you’re doing most of the work, but it’s no excuse to be incensed.

Yin Earth Day Master

Enjoy a bit of the finer things in life as you sure could use a break to revel in artistic pursuits that tickle your fancy. This is the perfect time to indulge in creative activities as so many schools and organizations offer a wide variety of lessons, like painting, photography, dancing, writing, and even the culinary arts. Let your artistic side loose this March and either take some lessons or enjoy a creative outing like a museum crawl.

Yang Metal Day Master

You’ll be feeling extra congenial this month so use that to your best advantage by setting up meetings with potential clients or joining organizations that focus on your field. Thanks to your warm vibes, you’ll have the chance to present great ideas to potential stakeholders or close some deals with higher ups.

Yin Metal Day Master

Expand your social circles by meeting more new people. Since the pandemic is still all around us, you don’t have to physically be in contact with others but there’s a load of virtual possibilities for you to connect with others like joining common interest groups or extending your social media presence. You’ll be surprised by where your new connections could potentially lead you to in your life.

Yang Water Day Master

If you’re looking for something productive to do, March will be a great time for you to pursue higher learning on whatever it is you specialize on already. Or if you’ve always wanted to pursue other academic studies, then go for it. Knowledge is a bottomless well so strive to always fill your cup with more things to learn because this helps you get farther not just in your career or business but also in your social life and relationships.

Yin Water Day Master

This month will see you flourish as you delve into advanced learning for unconventional and thought-provoking studies that are outside of your comfort zone. Whatever you decide, just know that enrolling in such a class could potentially give you another avenue of earning, or it could just outright add value to your life in ways you could never have imagined.

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