October 2020 Feng Shui Forecast

Floor plan diagram showing the main door sector location in Feng Shui, with orientation instructions. Diagram highlights the main door in the northeast sector facing east.

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THE purpose of this Feng Shui forecast is to provide clarity. When the energy is positive, maximize to your advantage. When the energy is negative, manage what you can with it. The point of reference is your “Main Door Sector.”

To identify your Main Door Sector: Stand in the center of your house or office and use a compass to determine where your main door is located. If your main door is in the North East sector, then read what the North East energy covers.

East Main Door Sector

Danger hails from the East this month, leaving homes prone to heavy, physical losses should their main door face here. If you have any plans for activities or renovations in this area, postpone them for the month to prevent this negative star’s activation.

Southeast Main Door Sector

Great money luck will soon be flowing through your doors, blessing your endeavors with lucrative outcomes. This makes October the perfect time to launch long-developed projects, branch out into fresh ventures and test newly earned skills, as they’ll be met with maximum success.

South Main Door Sector

Enlightenment shines upon those with their main door in the South this month. It’s the lucky break students need for their studies, especially if they’ve been struggling to adapt to the homeschooling brought upon by the crisis. Businesses and professionals will enjoy breakthroughs of their own as well.

Southwest Main Door Sector

Clarity and wisdom will come to those with their main door in the Southwest sector as a positively guiding star lights your way this month. It brings optimal luck unto your home, helping you discern the most rewarding path in any significant decision you need to make. This makes it an opportune time for making big life moves that’ll affect your future and finances.

West Main Door Sector

Steer clear of the West and watch your health closely if your main door is here. Sickness is just around the corner, made worse by the global crisis, so be proactive in safeguarding your wellbeing. Take relaxation and socializing into account as well to keep your mental wellness in good shape.

Northwest Main Door Sector

You’ve triumphed month after month over this tumultuous year and now October brings you the recognition and prestige you’re due. Expect them from colleagues, superiors and your professional and business networks. A promotion may be on the horizon after you’ve impressed with your peerless skill and efforts.

North Main Door Sector

If your main door is here — be cautious and vigilant to avoid sudden illness, emergency expenses, heavy financial losses and other misfortunes. Negative energies may be teeming in this area, but it’s important not to panic. Quash your impulses and think things through. A second opinion may be beneficial in your decision-making.

Northeast Main Door Sector

Trouble brews in the Northeast as the quarrelsome star hangs over this sector for October. If your main door is here, strive for patience and restraint. Understand that the continuing crisis has spread everyone thin with stress and strain when you’re met with volatile attitudes.

Center Sector

The energy of the Center sector of every home and office may bring about plenty of good commercial prospects and business luck. It’s a generous boon not to take for granted, especially in these struggling times wrought by the pandemic, so be sure to take every opportunity as it comes but remember to spend wisely and save plenty.

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