The Hungry Ghost Month and Feng Shui

An altar with Chinese inscriptions, featuring three lit incense sticks, candles, oranges, and red packets on a tiled surface.

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THIS year, the Hungry Ghost Month spans Aug. 19 to Sept. 16. But what exactly is the Hungry Ghost Month, and how should it be observed?

Illuminating Legend

According to its founding belief, on the seventh month of the lunar calendar or the Hungry Ghost Month, the Gates of Hell will open and spirits from the lower planes will be free to roam the living world. These otherworldly visitors are said to wreak mischief and misfortune if left unattended, thus the Hungry Ghost Month becomes dedicated to their appeasement. Good food is offered, events are held for their entertainment, prayers seek forgiveness and peace for these restless souls. A slew of warnings must be heeded if you wish to avoid their malicious attentions. It can be a demanding tradition, but a necessary toll for safety and security.

A Joyous Alternative

Despite having some roots in the faith, the Hungry Ghost Month doesn’t actually exist from the Taoist perspective. Rather, Taoism believes that wandering spirits are constantly present in our realm. They exist neutrally during this month as they do in any other, unless purposefully provoked. There is therefore no greater danger to fear from this period. There’s nothing wrong with remaining vigilant against spirits and one is free to follow the Hungry Ghost Month tradition. But, alternatively—it can be celebrated as a joyous festival of respect and remembrance, still maintaining its core value of honoring ancestors and those who have passed.

Adding to the legend, it is believed that the official Lord of the Earth will descend from Heaven on the 15th of this month to inspect mortals and spirits and grant forgiveness for past deeds. This makes the Hungry Ghost Month the best time for self-reflection on how to lead a more virtuous and fulfilling life before death.

Feng Shui for Peace of Mind

Feng Shui masters have always been sought after for their services and guidance toward a more bountiful life. They’re all the more popular during the Hungry Ghost Month to help navigate this inauspicious period and all its surprises. Now, different masters apply different techniques, but here we’ll be dipping into Landform Feng Shui and San He Feng Shui. These techniques together will provide the most complete reading of a space.

Nature’s Bounty

Readings begin with Landform Feng Shui as we first look at location. Using Google Earth and Maps, we hone in on a given address then look outward to its environment. As qi resolves in natural formations, it’s necessary to pinpoint mountains and bodies of water around the location.

Closeness to mountains affects relationships and health, while rivers determine wealth and opportunities that will come. The quality of these formations are also important: Clean waters and fertile earth yield the best qi. Thus, locations within the right distance of healthy natural formations are in a favorable position to receive outflowing qi and its attending good luck.

Beware, however. What lies between these formations and your location can affect qi. Crossing areas such as factories and landfills will degrade it and instead bring bad tidings to your doorstep.

Inner Flow

Turning indoors, San He Feng Shui is employed next to assess the flow of qi within a home. It must be first noted that we need not buy “cures” like accessories or ornaments to encourage qi inside. Instead, pay attention to these three important features: The main door, stove and bedroom. In the right places, they’ll successfully gather and store qi, promoting good health, relationships and wealth for residents. But bear in mind that the most crucial piece is the main door, as qi only enters through this entrance. Make sure to position it in the sector of your home that conforms to the external landform, going with the flow rather than against it. This ensures that wealth and opportunities brought by nearby natural formations will make it inside.

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